Senior '09

It's 2 down and 5 to go !

Patrick is our 2nd son to graduate High School.

He and his older brother attended Notre Dame de La Salette Boys Academy in Illinois. It is a SSPX All boys boarding school.

He was home every 7-8 weeks for breaks and of course all summer. It is a great experience .

He will go out to Montana this summer and attend Fire Training school and head into California to fight the wildfires in Northern Califirnia. His cousin owns a firefighting company and has hired him for the summer.

When he returns in the Fall, he hopes to have earned enough money to pay for his first year of College at San Jacinto and a hefty deposit on a car of some sorts.

Congratulations Patrick, we love you soo much and are so proud of you ! Love, MOM

"The toughest men are reared in the hardest school " Archidaemus, King of Sparta

Isn't he looking happy today ?